
Historical GIS 2008

University of Essex, UK.

21-22nd August 2008


HGIS 2008: Conference programme

Subject to change.

Significantly revised: 23rd July
Last update: 13th August

Outline of:

Wednesday 20th August
Thursday 21st August
Friday 22nd August

Sessions in detail

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Wed. 20 August - outline:


Accommodation available (for those delegates who have booked)


Registration Desk Open


Wine Reception at UK Data Archive


Dinner (for those delegates who have booked)  at the Blues Cafe

Thu. 21 August- outline:


Registration opens




Session 1
A. Beyond the nation state: International perspectives
B. Agricultural history with GIS I
C. The ancient world using historical GIS




Session 2
A. Non-traditional historical GIS I: The Arts
B. Agricultural history with GIS II
C. Demography and health with historical GIS


Session 3
A. HGIS on the web
B. Environmental history with GIS
C. Non-traditional historical GIS II: Literature

Session 4
A.Extending the Great Britain Historical GIS
B. Digital reconstruction of urban heritage: Case studies
C. Regional development with historical GIS
Conference Dinner –Marquee at Wivenhoe House Hotel (for those delegates who have booked)

Fri. 22 August- outline:


Registration opens


Session 5
A. Historical atlases for research and dissemination
B. Urban history with GIS I: 20th century
C. Historical GIS and long-term demographic change



Session 6
A. Constructing historical GIS databases
B. Urban history with GIS II: 18th and 19th century
C. Historical GIS and transport I: Stories in space and time
Session 7
A. Towards historical GIS 2.0
B. Urban history with GIS III: Medieval and early modern
C. Historical GIS and transport II: Railways, population and economy
Session 8
Roundtable on the future of historical GIS

Sessions in detail:


Session Title/
Lead Author Co-Author(s) Paper Title

Beyond the nation state: International perspectives
David Bodenhamer
Thu. 9:30-11:10.

Pat Manning Siddarth Chandra GIS in a World Historical Databank
Andreas Kunz . Forty countries in a pre-national GIS: The German states prior to unification (1820-1870)
Silke Marburg . Connecting states. European dynasties in a transnational GIS
Agricultural history with GIS I
Alastair Pearson
Thu. 9:30-11:10. .
Alistair Geddes . Agricultural history with historical GIS
David Sprague Nobusuke Iwasaki The unexpected ruralities of early modern Japan: GIS analysis of Japan's first modern topographic maps
Geoff Cunfer . Reanalysis of Historical Maps:  A Reconnaissance Survey of Wind Erosion on the Southern Great Plains
Kenneth Sylvester Eric S. Rupley Settlement Footprints: making agricultural landscapes in the American grasslands
The ancient world using historical GIS
Peter Bol
Thu. 9:30-11:10.
Eeva-Maria Viitanen . Cato’s Good Advice on a Map – Modelling Ancient Roman Villas and their Environment
Albina Moscicka . Can GIS help us to understand the Bible?
Ruth Mostern . The Politics of Territory in Song Dynasty China
Peter Schofield Neil Wearing The use of GIS techniques to investigate landscape history and archaeology in the commercial developer-funded sector

Non-traditional historical GIS I:
The Arts

Deryck Holdsworth
Thu. 11:30-1.10

Akihiro TSUKAMOTO . Unfolding the landscape drawing method of historical folding-screens "Rakuchu-Rakugai-zu" in a GIS environment
Robin Burgess Gary Priestnall, Joanna Robinson, Lucie Sutherland, Richard Tyler-Jones and Thomas Koller The development of an interactive mapping website for representing performance culture in Nottingham 1857-1867
Les Roberts Julia Hallam and Ryan Shand Space, cartography and the archive: the role of GIS in the geo-historical analysis of a city in film.
Agricultural history with GIS II
Alistair Geddes
Thu. 11:30-1:10. .
Jonathon Douch Brian Short The use of GIS in establishing the historical distribution of lowland heath in South East England
Kate Taylor . Coping with internal inconsistency in historical datasets
Alastair Pearson . An integrated approach to studying the nineteenth century agricultural landscape using GIS
Nigel Walford . The unfolding legacy of wartime agriculture on the South Downs, England: following the occupiers of National Farm Survey holdings in the post-war decades
Demography and health with historical GIS
Andrew Beveridge
Thu. 11:30-1:10. .
Tomoki NAKAYA Kazumasa HANAOKA, Akihiro TSUKAMOTO Geomedical analysis of historical disease recordings in Kyoto, Japan in the early 20th century
Scott Orford . Now and Then: Charles Booth and the changing geography of London’s poor
Laurence Brown Kofi Owusu, Thomas Balkelis Mapping Migrant Mobility in Manchester, 1880-2000
Alice Reid Eilidh Garrett “Run and fetch the Doctor!”: access to medical personnel amongst those in their last illness in 4 nineteenth century Scottish communities.
HGIS on the web
Jordi Marti Henneberg
Thu. 2:00-3:40.
Paolo Plini Valentina De Santis, Sabina Di Franco and Rosamaria Salvatori Navigate through history: a WebGIS on the Alpine Corps during the Russian Campaign (1942-1943)
Bernhard SNIZEK Thobjorn KONIG, Sune WOLLER, Johan Mohlenfeld JENSEN Heritage4 and its Implementation in - Web 2.0 and GIS enabled history
Kevin Daniells . Visualising Genealogy through online GIS: a historical Analysis of Mobility in Prussia
Environmental History with GIS
Alice Bee Kasakoff
Thu. 2:00-3:40. .
James W. Wilson . Forests and Farms in Virginia: Improving Regional Understanding Through Local Analysis
Helene Burningham . Historical geomorphology of the greater Thames estuary
Emmanuel Kreike . Imag(en)ing Time Traveling Trees: Aerial Photography, GIS, Digitalization, and Environmental History
Alenka Krek Prof. Dr.Dr. Niki Evelpidou Geoinformation Technology Used for Analysis of the Landscape Evolution during Historical Times
Non-traditional historical GIS II:

Alexander von Lünen
Thu. 2:00-3:40. .
Fiona A. Black . Design considerations for geospatial historical research tools
David Cooper . Mapping the Lakes: Towards a Literary GIS
Anouk Lang  

Mapping reading, reading mapping: Using GIS to explore contemporary literary culture

Extending the Great Britain Historical GIS
Paul Ell
Thu. 4:00-5:40. .
Humphrey Southall . Putting travellers' tales on the map: Integrating British travel writing into a historical GIS
John Westwood Decio Battaglia From on-line map libraries to a raster GIS:  building the other GB Historical GIS
Paula Aucott . The building blocks of Europe: Constructing an administrative unit ontology as a basis for a European Historical GIS
Digital reconstruction of urban heritage: Case studies
Trevor Harris
Thu. 4:00-5:40. .
Yuzuru ISODA Akihiro TSUKAMOTO, Yoshihiro KOSAKA, and Keiji YANO Reconstruction of Kyoto of the Edo era based on art and historical documents
Tom PERT . Portable portals: location-based applications and the public
Sanjay RANA . Digital Reconstruction of 200 years old Steam Circus: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Tatsunori KAWASUMI Keiji YANO Construction of Virtual Nagaoka-kyo 3D map and landscape simulation
Regional development with historical GIS
Kenneth Sylvester
Thu. 4:00-5:40. .
Harry J. Wilson . The Development of Spanish Colonial Pensacola, 1781-1821
Marcia Caldas de Castro Alice Bee Kasakoff Clustering of Household Wealth in the US North, 1860:  Differences between Farm and non-Farm Households
Richard G. Healey . Illuminating the Financial Geography of the US Oil Industry during the Civil War Era
Historical atlases for research and dissemination
Richard Healey
Fri. 9:00-10:40. .
Takashi KIRIMURA . Social atlas of modernising Kyoto in the early 20th century
Stefaan Desender . HistoAtlas
Karl Grossner . Ontology-Driven Data Models for Digital Historical Atlases
Urban history with GIS I: 20th century
Mathew Novak
Fri. 9:00-10:40. .
Suzanne Preston Blier . The Space of Time: Historical Urban Planning in Africa
Sam Griffiths Catherine Emma Jones, Dr Laura Vaughan, Dr Muki Haklay Some theoretical and methodological implications of space syntax methodology for historical GIS: the example of Greater London’s suburban town centres
Manabu INOUE Keiji YANO and Tomoki NAKAYA Restoration of the historical financial district in Kyoto using cadastral map 1912
Jennifer Light . Beyond Black and White: Nationality and Neighborhood Risk at the Origins of FHA Underwriting

Historical GIS and long-term demographic change
Ian Gregory
Fri. 9:00-10.40. .

Andy Beveridge . Segregation Revisited:  The Growth and Dispersal of Black, Latino, Immigrant and Ethnic Populations in United States Metropolitan Areas Since 1950
Niall Cunningham Ian Gregory Troubled Geographies: Two centuries of religious division in Ireland
Tarmiji Masron . Mapping of Changing of Sarawak Boundary from 1841 to 2002
Thomas Thevenin Arnaud Banos Errors in demographic time series: a 3D method of interpolation
Constructing historical GIS databases
Paul Ell
Fri. 11:00-12:40. .
Orly Linovski Simon Lannon, Don Alexander Historical GIS and Carbon Emissions Reduction Programs
Nondas Pitticas . Property ownership records with a social history (and not only)
Henk Kramer Sander Mücher HISLU60 : A historical land use database for Europe from around 1960
Elger Heere . User Issues on Historical GIS
Urban history with GIS II: 18th and 19th century
Sanjay Rana
Fri. 11:00-12:40. .
Lisa Fischer . The eWilliamsburg Project: Mapping Space, Time and Uncertainty for an Eighteenth-Century Town
Mathew Novak Jason Gilliland A historical geography of retailing in London, Canada
Muki Haklay Ozlem Sahbaz and Laura Vaughan The application of GIScience in space syntax analysis of the Charles Booth maps of poverty
Albane Cogné . Milan in the middle of the 18th century: the making of the GIS using the land register of Pompeo Neri
Historical GIS and transport I: Stories in space and time
Will Thomas III
Fri. 11:00-12:40. .
Deryck Holdsworth . Spatialities of Event Seasons: Insights from Hotel Guest Registers
Robert Schwartz . Narratives of Historical Space and Time: Railways and Agrarian Change in France and Great Britain, 1850-1914
John H. Clark . Building a geodatabase of motor transportation network connectivity from early cycling and automobile touring guides of the United States for the period 1890 to 1920.
Mark Casson . The Efficiency of the UK Railway Network: A Counterfactual Analysis
Towards historical GIS 2.0
Fri. 1:30-3:10
David J Bodenhamer . Beyond History: Toward Humanities GIS
Trevor Harris Jesse Rouse, Sue Bergeron Immersive and experiential GIS and the Humanities
Urban history with GIS III: Medieval and early modern
Lisa Fischer
Fri. 1:30-3:10. .
George Sidiropoulos Dimitrios Ierapetritis Mesta Village, Chios: A revival of a latent reality?
Jord Hanus . Mapping sixteenth-century 's-Hertogenbosch': towards a spatial analysis of urban social structures
Taiko TODOKORO Toshikazu SETO, Keiji YANO, Tomoki NAKAYA and Takashi KIRIMURA Transition of urban landscapes surrounding the Gion festival
Tim Bisschops . GIS and the registers of the Antwerp aldermen (1396-ca1420): keys to the evaluation of space and place in late medieval urban societies in the Low Countries

Historical GIS and transport II: Railways, population and economy
Robert Schwartz
Fri. 1:30-3:10. .

Laia Mojica Ian Gregory and Jordi Marti Henneberg Railways and urban growth in Great Britain, 1825-1951
Jeremy Atack . Did Railroads Induce or Follow Economic Growth? Evidence from the American Midwest
Will Thomas III . Railroads and the U.S. South: A Network Visualization
HGIS: A roundtable on the future
Ian Gregory
Fri. 3:30-5:10.
Onno Boonstra . No place in history. Why GIS is not used in historical science.
Alexander von Lünen . «The Future Does Not Compute» -- How about the Past?
Peter Bol . [Panellist]
Robert Schwartz   [Panellist]
Trevor Harris   [Panellist]



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